Oral Cancer
Oral cancer or Mouth cancer is one of the most common cancers in India. Tobacco is the no.1 reason for cancer. Usually, smokeless tobacco users are prone to mouth cancer. Smoking tobacco causes lung/throat cancer more often than mouth cancer. The most common forms of smokeless tobacco use in our country are betel quid chewing, mishri, khaini, gutka, snuff, and as an ingredient of pan masala.
The common reasons why people start using tobacoo early in their life are: habit of family member, peer pressure, easy availaibility of such products, emotional and psycological stress, risk taking behaviour and agressive marketing strategies of tobacco industry.
Mouth Cancer Usually Occurs in The Following Areas
- Lip
- Tongue
- Alveolus(gums) - Upper
- Alveolus(gums) - Lower
- Buccal mucosa(cheek)
- Hard palate
- Floor of mouth(below the tongue)
Early diagnosis of cancer has better prognosis than advanced stage. Treament for oral cancer is mainly Surgery followed by radiation or radiation and chemotherapy. Surgery usually involves the removal of the cancerous part of the mouth. It requires plastic and reconstructive surgery to rebuild that part. It is a very deforming and debilitating surgery. Earlier the stage of cancer lesser the deformity and longer survival chances.
Doctor has a keen interest in reducing a load of oral cancer in India and is working with senior cancer surgeons. As an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, we can help in the early diagnosis of cancer through clinical examination and biopsy, and treatment of such patients. We at the MJF clinic also dentally rehabilitate such patients after cancer surgery.